
Sex Magick | Intentional Pleasure Pt 3

Sex Magick | Intentional Pleasure  Pt 3

Sexual energy = Life force

This is the final of three blogs on Sex Magick and Intentional pleasure, written as an in depth explanation on the potency of working with our sexual energy in order to alter consciousness,

Please read them together for a more comprehensive understanding of this complex subject.

As outlined in blog 2, we know already of the benefit of directing your sexual energy for positive shifts in your life,


Sex magick and intentional pleasure Pt. 2

Sex magick and intentional pleasure Pt. 2

Why have conscious sex?

The other day I was asked by an intelligent, accomplished man- with depression and a sex addiction

"Why sex?"

Why is sex a modality for healing, growth and expansion

I replied,

"Where does this idea of separation arise from?"

To explain;

The word yoga at its core means union.

Union occurs when all parts of self-


Sex Magick- Intentional pleasure to raise your vibration and expand your magnetic field - Pt. 1

Sex Magick- Intentional pleasure to raise your vibration and expand your magnetic field - Pt. 1

The essence of Sex Magick

The term Sex Magick is something that I find fascinating and intriguing,

The words themselves when placed together are enchanting and a little eerie. 

If you googled the words Sex Magick you would get an array of results come up, none of which I have seen that depict, nor explain the true depth of what sex magick is.

The real sex magick; is what many ancient Goddess worshipping civilisations have revered as our healing and expansive birth right, that is conscious sexuality. 

The ancients knew...

Yoni eggs vs Yoni Wands- A comparison

Yoni eggs vs Yoni Wands- A comparison

Yoni Eggs vs Yoni Wands 

If you have ever found yourself looking at purchasing a yoni wand, or a crystal sex toy,

And then looked at the yoni egg practice- this crystal egg worn inside a woman’s sacred space,

If you’re confused about the differences between the two, and where to begin…

I am here to enlighten you.

We are going to break this down and provide some clarity right now.

Both the yoni egg and crystal dildos are...

How to clear any energy block AND news of our Full Moon Sale

How to clear any energy block AND news of our Full Moon Sale

Ancient Tantric Wisdom

I have been guiding myself through trauma healing breath work therapy for exactly the past three months now, and the shifts I have seen in my perception and awareness have been incredible.

I believe that we are at a point in history of massive collective awakening.

So much ancient wisdom is coming through many of the minds of humans alive at this time in history, and feeding into the collective mind.

Some of this ancient wisdom I mention is the basic understanding of how energy/ emotion moves through and is stored in...