About us

  Welcome to TAE Feminine Wellness,

By Reiki master Aysha Adeya

A collection of the finest quality crystal yoni eggs and yoni wands for your feminine embodiment and self connection practices


TAE stands for The Art Erotic; the principle of combining a self love practice with the sanctity of spiritual healing and growth.

The benefits of slow self connection & the yoni egg practice

  The yoni egg practice is a gentle way to reconnect to your inherent sensuality, clear energetic blocks in the sacral centre, increase orgasmic capacity and experience deeper embodiment.

 The yoni egg practice is 5,000 years old, hailing from the East, and honoured within Taoist & Tantric traditions. It works with the subtle energy layers of the body and helps to replenish your vital life force, boosting energy flow, vitality, youth, wellness and creativity. 

 Using a combination of breath work, body work, meditative practices, self massage and intentional touch, we can shift out of old patterns and rewire the body for deeper states of embodiment and wellness.



Meet Aysha 


Reiki Master Energy Healer New Zealand


Aysha is a Reiki Master and intuitive healer from London living in beautiful coastal New Zealand, Old Lemuria.

Aysha has been working intuitively with energy since the age of 14, and has in recent years worked with hundreds of individuals, both men and women to clear blocks held in the body, the psyche and the subconscious mind; achieving greater levels of wellness, clarity and personal alignment. 

The principles, products and practices herein, are the methods used by Aysha to heal and awaken her own light body.

The use of yoni products support the the divine feminine conscious awakening that we see unfolding in the world today.