What causes sexual sensitivity issues in women?
The common misconception of the Yoni egg practice
I keep hearing of women turning to the yoni egg practice in the pursuit of a tight and toned pussy, in the hopes that a strong pelvic floor equals more sensitivity and better orgasms,
While this can definitely be true for women who need vaginal tightening, for example those women who lack toning (perhaps as a result of giving childbirth) there is a really big caveat that keeps getting missed...
While the yoni egg provides the all important element of resistance for women doing Kegel exercises, in order to tighten...
The Ancient Tantric practice of Yoni Massage
Now, many of us know what the yoni egg practice is, but the lesser known and slightly more misunderstood practice of breath work infused, therapeutic yoni massage is currently being rediscovered and utilised by women all over the world
Yoni massage is an ancient Tantric practice of applying pressure, or essentially massage to all areas of the female genitalia, from the vulva, to the vaginal canal, to the cervix, in order to relieve tension.
The practice of yoni massage is said to...
What can crystal sex toys do for your pleasure and wellness?
How to raise your vibration and drastically improve your life using a sacred self care routine
Sacred self care is the new black
My sacred self care routine essentially involves a few practices that I engage in on a daily basis that benefit me, that increase my feelings of wellness, that give me vitality, creativity and make me feel more impassioned in my life
They also help me to feel more sexually sensitive and more orgasmic.
These are namely; breath work, movement, meditation, chanting and last but not least, regular conscious self pleasure.
So while self pleasure is a very big aspect to my sacred self care routine, it is supplemented by these other practices that...