The vagina is a portal to your deep emotional self- not just your sexual self

I am going to make a suggestion in the course if this blog that is unconventional, but I am drawn to write this blog even so. The premise I will start with is that-

The female body has been sexualised

And I do not mean, the use of beautiful women in advertising, or sexually suggestive imagery in the media. 

Yes, we all appreciate beauty in all its forms. The human body is a vision to behold; it is understandable that the physical form's attributes have been utilised and leveraged in sales and marketing, as understandable also that it is the focus of many great artworks. I do not pertain to these things...

Instead, I am pertaining to the female sexual anatomy; the vagina. The yoni has been grossly and excessively over sexualised. So much so that there is a heightened anxiety in the minds of many females regarding the aesthetics of their bodies, and of the carnality of sex. 

Why the f**k?

Porn being so widespread and so visually focused, has unfortunately objectified the female body as being something firstly, and perhaps solely appreciated aesthetically. 

Our society is so focused on pornography, and it seems to have contributed to a conditioned way of thinking about sex for most people who consume it. 

Porn use often encourages one to focus on the visual during sex which gravely distracts from the more natural and innate aspects of sexual connection- emotional and physical sensitivities, and the energetic interchange that plays out. 

Sex becomes a mode of achieving thrill or excitement, to alleviate boredom and as a distraction from how one is feeling rather than a way to connect to how one is feeling. It becomes an entertainment.

What do we expect if we believe sex is meant to be a thrill, an opportunity to view and do things to parts of bodies that we normally covet? Where does that leave long term relationships?

Getting a thrill out of seeing a particular body part will always lose it's novelty once you've seen it a few times. 

We need to shift the focus. Sex that is about connection and love, rather than thrill or body parts, or simply a carnal drive for a particular playing out of activities, is often the more fulfilling and allows access to deeper states of pleasure for both man and woman.


We tend to assume that the vagina is polarised in its emotional responses, if we think of it as being an emotional centre at all!

Your vagina is essentially a deep emotional centre within you, it is a gateway to ALL your emotions, it is not solely an erogenous zone as society currently tends to view it.  

Think about the other centres in your body that you would particularly associate with emotion; the heart and the chest, the stomach, perhaps even the head. All these parts of the body are along the central energy channels (or Nadis in Sanskrit), and all deeply feel and can store different types of emotion.

You feel joy as well as sadness both in the chest, you feel nerves as well as excitement in the stomach, and you can feel clear and bright, or foggy and tense in the head.

Why then would we not also view the pelvic region and vagina as a centre which could possibly experience the two polar states of love and fear, why do we imagine it's purpose and function to be solely one of pleasure?

The female sexual anatomy has become excessively sexualised. I am suggesting that her wisdom far out reaches what we have assumed it does. 

The vagina and pelvic region is the seat of incredible intuition and creative power. It is when we fail to hear the messages from this emotional centre, that we miss an integral aspect of her existence, I believe this is where numbness, sexual pain and an absence of pleasure arises from. 

It’s as though she stops talking if we aren’t listening.

And- this is the principle on which yoni massage works. 

Our emotions, both positive and negative affect the body. 

We tend to only relate with the "sexual" centre of the body when we are looking for pleasure.

But we are missing a potentially extremely powerful point. 

The body needs to have full expression in order to remain balanced in equilibrium and in a state of wellness. 

Now, I do not suggest that you begin reading poetic saudades to your vagina in an attempt to encourage it to cry; that would be somewhat futile. What I am suggesting is that we cease to expect that sex looks one way only; saucy, salacious, titillating.

How many times have you been in the throes of a passionate embrace with a lover and had a deep welling up of sadness or other "negative" feeling arise? Myself and many women I know have. And when that happens it is all too common to push the feeling away, as typically we do not believe that those types of emotion belong in a moment like this.

Whatever types of emotion that arise, belong in moments like these.

If you are experiencing numbness, sexual pain or an absence of pleasure within the yoni, you can use yoni massage or slow conscious sex with a loving partner as an incredibly powerful way to connect to your deepest feelings, and to either celebrate...or release them. 

Yoni massage is a very direct way to access the deepest of embedded emotion, the most internalised sub conscious pain and tension. When touch is combined with deep breathing and awareness, and often physical or vocal expression it can be significantly effective in accessing and releasing a plentitude of stored emotion, leaving you feeling connected, refreshed and centred again. 


So there you have it; the unconventional suggestion I was going to make, the slightly outlandish sounding idea that you might benefit from getting intimate with your lady parts for more than just pleasure.

Don't be expectant of what feelings will arise from her, both physical or emotional.

Instead commune with your body and your feelings as though this is an organic process. This requires subsets of conditioning to be removed from your mind. Don't approach looking for something, instead see what there is to be found.

And always breathe, always hold your highest intention for yourself, always seek to bring energy and light in.

On a metaphysical level, we are energy. And within our physical bodies energetic blockages can and do occur often. If you simplify it all, we are seeking the greater flow of love and light within our bodies. And as above so below. 

Your yoni, your womb, and your body is powerful, intelligent and intuitive, she has a voice for those who are willing to listen...and never again reduce her to being single faceted in her purpose, we are so much more than that.  


 If you would like further reading on how to give yourself a yoni massage check out this blog










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