The real Sex Magick- heal and evolve using your sexual energy

Taboo. Guilt. Shame

Have you noticed how taboo of a subject self pleasure is? 

Our pleasure is truly our power.

Pleasure is nourishing to the body and mind, the Ancient Egyptians knew this.

Phew! Well now that's put to rest we can move forward in to a new paradigm and way of thinking regarding sexuality.

Plainly put; a healthily expressed sexuality within an individual is their greatest power and their greatest creative resource. 

Our pleasure is indeed a birthright to us humans and the way that most of us currently engage in it is not leveraging all that it can yield for us. Most of us have negative emotion attached to the idea of self pleasure- guilt, shame, uncertainty, fear, suppression etc. 

Because of this most of us have dysfunctional relationships with our own pleasure and our own bodies, and our engagement in self pleasure is often rushed, brings us negative feelings, and is hardly ever prioritised. 

A sexy alternative

Suspend judgement for the time being and just imagine...

...that you knew that your sexual energy and ultimately your pleasure was unbelievably good for your physical and emotional wellbeing, just a quick internet search will bring you an abundance of articles on this

Imagine that it was something that you scheduled time for within your day, and that you felt good about doing so, as though you were prioritising time for yoga, or meditation

Imagine that you set your self a space, set the mood, gave yourself all the time that you need, and felt into areas of your body that you might be holding tension

Imagine that you breathed deeply throughout, and that you lovingly caressed and touched your whole body in order to enliven and awaken the senses and feelings of pleasure and contentment

Sacred is a state of mind

In Tantra and the ancient Vedic texts, all energy is both divine and sexual, and the very core of what we are is both sexual and God-like.

What a strange notion to most of us, that we can be both holy and human at the same time? That our sexuality can be sacred?

Energy + Intention = conscious creation 

Sex magick is the practice is of combining meditation and visualisation with masturbation or sex

Tantric practices in the ancient Vedic texts speak of the use of sexual energy to strengthen and clarify the energy body...and it could be posed that orgasm is a building and a release of electrical energy within the human system

We know that orgasm and sexual stimulation, namely the type of sexual activity you engage in on a regular basis alters consciousness and neural pathways, it literally affects your brain.

We also know that our consciousness and our mind directly impact our reality. Do you know where I am going here? 

It is actually a lot simpler than it sounds. We as humans thrive on ritual, we are cyclical beings that enjoy and benefit from the habituation of things that enrich our lives.

The use of ritual directly impacts us positively or negatively.

Think about the commute to work or the weekly chores that you particularly dread. The repetition of something is what increases its impact.

How you self pleasure or have sex has the potential to transform your mind, your consciousness and ultimately your reality. 

When you experience feelings of guilt and shame around self pleasure, or when you only engage in it when you really can't ignore your drive any longer, you literally are missing out on an untapped resource. 

Outlined below are some simple guidelines for beginning your own sacred self pleasure practice

1. Set your space

You can put on some music or incense, light a candle, you can smudge your room with sage and call in the light. Anything really that signifies something special to you, in order to elevate the experience from the outset,  It makes sense when you remember that essentially you are about to carry out some self loving energy work 

2. Meditate a moment

I always engage in my pleasure with an intention, something that I know is good for me and that my soul and higher self desires, be it the release of something like negative self beliefs or the manifestation of something like greater confidence and creativity.

Anecdotally meditation, affirmation and visualisation are powerful ways to recreate the mind and the self, so to combine creative visualisation with your sexual stimulation is a very powerful way to elevate your consciousness and your vibration simultaneously.

3. Do what feels good

The next bit is the simplest; touch yourself in the way your body responds to and the way you enjoy...with a twist...I want you to breathe very deeply and slowly. I want you to also feel if there are any parts of your body that are tensing up and to consciously breathe into those areas. This practice over time increases your overall sensitivity and your intensity of orgasm because in effect you are circulating the sexual energy throughout your body in deeper ways than before. 

4. Gradually increase your energy

As you come close to orgasm refrain a little and breathe to circulate more energy. Do this 3 or 4 times, this practice strengthens the effect that your pleasure has on neural pathways within your brain

5. Culmination

When you tip over and into your climax bring your intention back into your mind's eye, imagine it in full colour, sound and feeling.

This is a powerful practice of engaging the creative faculties of your third eye. Feel as though you are projecting it into reality, simply with the imagination 

 6. Breathe and let it all sink in

Take a few moments to be still and feel the sensations within your body. Don't just jump up and resume your daily tasks, instead breathe deeply and allow your body and your mind to absorb the experience and come back to reality when you are ready. 


The magic formula here for great personal transformation is a mindset shift, and a set of simple key changes to incorporate into your self pleasure practice in order to harness your own energy and direct it consciously...instead of the normal pattern of suppression, release, guilt, and ultimately frittering away your potency. 

So climb inside the cab and consciously direct the magnificent structure which is your own sacred, energetic powerhouse.




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